Event Registration

All SFE events (without alcohol) should be submitted to the Event Authorization system, following the process for all student organizations. Student Engagement has some amazing resources on utilizing this system on their canvas page for Student Organizations.


Additional steps will be required: 

  • If your organization is paying a third party vendor. Please submit Form C if using an off-campus chapter account. If using a Campus Organization Account, please submit a Contract Request through Student Engagement.
  • If your event includes food, animals, youth, water, inflatables, or structures. Please complete the requested forms in the planning survey. If your event includes multiple of these components, be prepared for an invitation to meet with the Event Authorization Committee.
  • If your organization is holding a philanthropy or service event. Please submit the follow-up form within a week of your event. 

  1. Read the Procedures for Registration and Requirements for Sorority and Fraternity Events with Alcohol
  2. Complete Risk Management Policy Acknowledgement and return to the SFE Office or email to fguzzo@iastate.edu.
  3. Send your chapter's Social Events Policies and Procedures to fguzzo@iastate.edu.
  4. Prepare the following documents for submission:
    1. Venue/Beverage Vendor Documents
      1. "Form A" if using a third-party vendor
      2. Vendor Certificate of Insurance if using a third-party vendor
      3. Vendor Liquor License if using a third-party vendor
    2. Download and Complete the Event with Alcohol Packet
    3. Download and Complete the Guest List and Event Monitor Template
  5. Once you have gathered all of the above materials and have your event details ready, you may register your event on Lounge. If you have questions about accessing your chapter's community lounge, please reach out to fguzzo@iastate.edu. 

The Venues, Transportation, Security Guide, has a list of vendors that have been used by chapters in the past. 

Please visit Additional Event Resouces for SFE Leaders for a full list of templates and resources.