There are four councils and over 60 chapters to join at ISU. While the process of joining our councils and chapters may look different, there are some common tips that will help anyone looking to join the community.

Getting Started
- Earn the Grades: Work hard in class to be a good student. Academics is a key value of each chapter and they are looking for people who are committed to their education.
- Volunteer: Each chapter in the commuity has a partnership with at least one organization they volunteer their time and talent with. Volunteering is one of the many ways our chapters work to improve the Ames and Iowa State community. Chapters want to see people who are passionate and committed to make the world around them better.
- Leadership: Chapters provide a lot of opportunity for members to serve in and take on leadership experiences. They want to know about the leadership experiences you have had. Remember the experiences you have don't have to be a leadership experience with a tilte, they can be experiences that helped you grow and learn about yourself or experiences you took iniative in.
- Do your research: ISU has a large community with a lot of opportunties for membership. Make sure you explore the councils and chapters to help discover what council and chapters are right for you! Our website, community guide, and council guides are a great resource to start. If you know people in the community or a chapter, they are a great resource as well.
- Get to know the community, council and organizations: Build relationships with members in the community is a great way to learn more about the community and see if that chapter and council is right for you. Getting to know members is also a great way to let the council or chapter know you are interested in potentially joining or learning more.
You can complete this interest link to get connected and learn more.

"I joined a fraternity because I wanted to surround myself with people who would help me grow as an individual"
Camden Lloyd, Nowalk, IA

Learn more about...
Fraternities and sororities have been an integral part of Iowa State University (ISU) since 1875 and have enhanced the lives of thousands of men and women. The ISU sorority and fraternity community offers outstanding opportunities to get involved in leadership, philanthropy, and service while striving academically. Joining the ISU Sorority and Fraternity Community will provide students with the opportunity to meet many friends and become involved on campus and in the community.
Recruitment refers broadly to all opportunities in which students might seek membership within one of the fraternities or sororities at Iowa State. The recruitment process differs for each of our four councils including the Collegiate Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council, Multicultural Greek Council, and National Pan-Hellenic Council. Some recruitment processes are formal, while others are informal. The Sorority and Fraternity Community is one of the largest organizations on campus and we invite you to experience one of 60 plus chapters!
No matter which of the four councils you will get to experience the five community values through your membership. Explore the five key values of the community; academics, civic engagement, friendship, leadership, and social justice.