Multicultural Greek Council

Multicultural Greek Council Members

About Us

The Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) on the Iowa State University campus was created as a vehicle to improve and create dialogue and collaboration between parallel-goaled organizations. Membership includes fraternities and sororities that have an element of diversity as the foundation of their membership. 


Everything You Need To Know 

The Iowa State University Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) is home to eight organizations, including three fraternities and five sororities. The Multicultural Greek Council serves to improve and create dialogue and cooperation between parallel-goaled organizations. Membership includes fraternities and sororities that have an element of diversity as a foundation to its values, including Latino/a/x, Asian/Pacific-Islander and LGBTQIA+. Chapters within this council offer many opportunities for interested students. The Multicultural Greek Council is governed by peer-elected leaders who serve the community to create opportunities for collaboration, scholarship, community service events, promotional opportunities and programs for cultural awareness. The Multicultural Greek Council serves as the governing body to these eight organizations. Members collaborate with the Collegiate Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council and National Pan-Hellenic Council for all-Greek events and foster Greek unity.

Governing and Important Documents

Check out these important documents from the Multicultural Greek Council

"If having a community that is constructed around the principles of inclusion, diversity, leadership and much more, then the Multicultural Greek Council is the place for you"

Hector De La Cruz, 2023 Multicultural Greek Council President